5 Resistant Starch Foods for Endometriosis

Did you know that resistant starches are excellent for endo?
As given away in the name, resistant starch is a type of fibre that escapes digestion by the small intestine. Like when we eat the other types of fibre, resistant starch moves through the gut, in to the large intestine and acts as food for our gut bacteria. Due to its slow fermentation rate in the large intestine, it gradually releases its gaseous by-products which is less likely to cause bloating or abdominal pain, a common symptom seen in those suffering from endo.

Benefits of resistant starches for endometriosis:

·       Acts as an anti-inflammatory agent.

·       Assist with blood glucose and hunger management.

·       Stimulate blood flow to the colon to assist in bowel regulation.

·       Helps to absorb important minerals such as iron, zinc, calcium and magnesium.

·       Increase nutrient circulation.

·       Help improve immunity as they can influence the production of immune cells and inflammatory compounds in the microbiome.

Accurate statistics surrounding resistant starch intake in adult Australians has yet to be readily available due to limited reliability of current food databases. However, it is believed that women are less likely to achieve their daily 15-20g of resistant starch due to the increased tendency to limit overall daily carbohydrate intake.

So where to start? Try these 5 resistant starch foods:

1.     Uncooked oats

2.     Cooked and cooled potatoes, rice or pasta

3.     Banana’s (the greener the better!)

4.     Barley & products containing barley, like some wraps, cluster cereal and bread you can now purchase at the supermarket

5.     Beans and legumes (black beans, chickpeas, kidney beans!)


If you have any health concerns related to endometriosis, it is important you speak with your doctor. Working with an Accredited Practicing Dietitian may help relieve some endo related symptoms including bloating and abdominal pain.


Our friendly Accredited Practising Dietitians at Balance Nutrition can help with any endometriosis related nutrition concerns and will provide individualised nutrition advice as every case is different.


Click here to book an appointment or call us on 07 4566 0765

Leah Stjernqvist