Advice from a dietitian: Eat breakfast, don't skip it!

 Are you tired of feeling fatigued, lacking energy to complete your daily tasks or having brain fog? Then its time to quit skipping breakfast and fuel your body to start the day energised.

A balanced breakfast replenishes the body’s energy stores by suppling the body with glucose which is broken down and absorbed from carbohydrates that we eat. During overnight fast, the body needs to get energy from somewhere to function. The liver breaks down stored glucose known as glycogen and uses it as energy for the body and the brain, which is its preferred energy source. In the morning your body has gone without food for seven plus hours and the glycogen stores are running low. This is where breakfast comes to the rescue. Eating a balanced breakfast replenishes glycogen stores, gives the brain glucose to function and boosts your energy levels to kick start the day.

Skipping breakfast may cause fatigue, brain fog and low levels of energy as you have not provided your body with the fuel to keep running. Additionally, skipping breakfast may impact your ability to meet recommended daily intake of vitamins, minerals and fibre.

Reasons to eat a balanced breakfast:

-          Replenish energy levels

-          Improves memory and reduces brain fog

-          Improves attention and concentration

-          Will help prevent overeating later in the day

-          Regulate blood glucose levels

How to make a ‘balanced’ breakfast?

A protein source to help keep you fuller for longer and support strength. Examples include eggs, nuts and seeds, dairy yoghurt, soy yoghurt, smoked salmon, baked beans, milk, protein powder or cottage cheese.

A carbohydrate source to give your body the energy it needs. Examples include wholemeal or wholegrain toast or wraps, cereal, muesli, oatmeal of bananas.

Some colour for dietary fibre to keep the digestive system happy. Examples include fresh or frozen fruit, vegetables or legumes.

A healthy fat like avocado, olive oil, salmon, nuts and seeds to support hormone function and nutrient absorption.

Despite the benefits of breakfast, many people often skip it for a variety of reasons. The good news is there are plenty of ways to make it easier to fit breakfast into your day. Here are some simple breakfast ideas if your lacking inspiration or need some convenient options.

-          Greek yoghurt, muesli, seasonal fruit and nut butter

-          Salt reduced baked beans, wholemeal toast and avocado

-          Overnight oats or chia pudding

-          Boiled eggs on wholegrain toast with salmon and tomato

-          Energised ‘Up & Go’ with fruit and mixed nuts

-          Weetabix with milk, frozen berries and seeds

If your feeling fatigued, tired or lacking energy to complete your everyday tasks it may be worthwhile revisiting your breakfast and ensuring you’re getting the right nutrients to kick start your day. Here at Balance Nutrition, we can help you with this. To book an appointment with Leah or Rhiannon, call us on 07 4566 0765 or visit

Written by Georgia Simpson, APD

Leah Stjernqvist